Dr Willem Lammers /?output=FEED&user_id=116&about=1&r=4 en Dr Willem Lammers Tue, 15 Apr 2014 10:28:41 +0100 https://goe.ac/resolving_frozen_grief_with_logosynthesis.htm Case Story: Resolving Frozen Grief with Logosynthesis https://goe.ac/resolving_frozen_grief_with_logosynthesis.htm?r=100 <p>This Case Story comes from <em><strong>Willem Lammers</strong></em>. In his training, he spent many hours on the interface of body, mind and spirit, in systems like transactional analysis, NLP, the Reconnection, the Monroe Institute, Energy Psychology. Logosynthesis®, is the result of these explorations. </p> <p>Here he writes about resolving frozen grief in one of his groups session on trauma and Logosynthesis.</p> <p><em><strong>He writes</strong><strong>:</strong></em> François, a big strong man, volunteered for a demonstration. After many years, he was still grieving for the loss of his sister, who had died in a traffic accident in France in 1979. For 34 years he had suffered in silence; now it seemed the right time to continue his life's path. In tears, he told the story of a dramatic week, how a policeman showed up at this front door and told him the news that would change his life. After the policeman was gone, François had spent long hours in a state of shock. Finally he had found the courage to inform his parents of the death of his sister, first his father, then his mother.</p> <p><em><strong>Read on for more.....</strong></em></p> Wed, 10 Nov 2010 11:15:16 +0000 https://goe.ac/restoring_the_flow_a_primer_in_logosynthesis.htm Restoring the Flow - A Primer in Logosynthesis https://goe.ac/restoring_the_flow_a_primer_in_logosynthesis.htm?r=100 <p>Logosynthesis is an innovative and comprehensive system for personal development. It is effective in coaching, counselling and psychotherapy, and can also be used as a self-help tool. It enables people to find their innermost life path. Logosynthesis is simple, elegant, effective, and easily conveyed.</p> <p><strong>Please read on for an introduction and details on how to download the free eBook Restoring the Flow...</strong></p>